Helping a friend

Posted: 20th February 2011 by Markus in Uncategorized

I have a friend who is in deep with partisan politics. She used to be a really wonderful person. Now she drives me nuts. I have sent her a link to your site along with a caring note. I hope she will give this a try. Thank you for taking the time to build this site.

Kathy from Boston, Massachusetts

Welcome to my site

Posted: 12th January 2011 by Markus in Success

I have been off Cable News since 2009, political talk radio since August 2010, and watchdog sites since November sixth 2010. I have no idea what I am supposed to be mad about and I couldn’t be happier. Don’t get me wrong I still keep informed. I look at, and every days. The written word has a level of authority the spoken word doesn’t have. News organizations tend to be more honest in print. Through these three web sites I can come to some sense of a truth (I do stay away from the opinion pieces and partisan video clips).

I long for the days of standards in journalism (Truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability). These standards are very scarce on cable news.

Lately I’ll see posts on Facebook from a couple people who are still stuck on opinion media. I have no idea what they are talking about and couldn’t be happier. For the most part what opinion media uses to divide the country are non issues that you will not find on standard news sites. The last partisan post listed three things the person was angry about and not one of them was on, or Why was this person so angry when none of the top news sites would even mention what he was complaining about? One word – brainwashing. As humans we are easily manipulated through repetition.

I’m hoping through my web site that I will be able to ween people from opinion media. Because life without it is so wonderful. I am happy again.I truly am.
